The Stevens Amendment is a federal regulation that requires U.S. Department of Labor grant recipients to reveal the percent of agency costs financed with federal funds, including the federal dollar amount, and the dollar and percentage amount financed by nongovernmental funds. This regulation was created with the intent to let taxpayers know how much money comes from federal sources in any program, project, or grant activity. The Idaho Department of Labor is a direct recipient of the following program funds which are supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Labor.

The data in this table reflects the federal program amounts in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) budget based on the Idaho Department of Labor’s internal cost center plans for spending.


Employment Services

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
Wagner-Peyser Act$6,094,420$2,403,281$8,497,70172%28%0%
Workforce Information Grant$354,148$531,555$885,70340%60%0%

Foreign Labor Certification

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
Foreign Labor Certification$396,700$396,700100%0%0%

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program$115,301$115,301100%0%0%

Veterans Employment and Training Services

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
Jobs for Veterans State Grants$947,915$947,915100%0%0%
Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program$85,910$85,910100%0%0%

Workforce Services*

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
WIOA Adult$2,782,186$2,782,186100%0%0%
WIOA Youth$2,419,207$2,419,207100%0%0%
WIOA Dislocated Worker$2,336,113$2,336,113100%0%0%
*Funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Grant (WIOA).


GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
Trade Adjustment Assistance$89,806$89,806100%0%0%

Apprenticeship Idaho

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
State Apprenticeship Expansion, Equity and Innovation (SAEEI)$1,729,691$1,729,691100%0%0%
State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF)$397,773$397,773100%0%0%

Unemployment Insurance

Employment and Training Administration (ETA) grantsFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
CARES Act$123,972$123,972100%0%0%
Tiger Team$461,034$461,034100%0%0%
IT Modernization$2,516,739$2,516,739100%0%0%

Research and Analysis

GrantFederal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental
BLS Cooperative Agreement$627,029$627,029100%0%0%
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries$18,685$12,622$31,30760%40%0%

Grant totals

Federal funds SFY25 (projected)Grant match / dedicated fundsTotalsFederalStateNongovernmental

The Idaho Department of Labor offers workforce related services, job placement and training, services for people with disabilities, investigation of claims of discrimination, unemployment insurance benefits, labor market data and more. Some of these services are provided through Idaho One Stop / American Job Centers in cooperation with their community partners.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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